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Today is 07/15/2024
Summer Reading 9th Grade Through 12th Grade
Dear Bristol High School students, parents, and guardians:

Congratulations on the completion of the 2023-2024 school year, we hope that it was fun, productive, and successful!

In order to prepare for next year, the English department strongly recommends the completion of a summer reading assignment for students entering English 9, 10, 11, and 12, students may choose a title from the 2025 BCIU Reading Olympics titles attached. These titles will be available in the Bucks County Library system or any local or national retailer. After reading and choosing a book, students should complete 3 of the assignments listed on the choice board. These can be done digitally or with traditional materials and assignments will be turned in when we return to school. Satisfactory completion of the assignments will result in extra credit on the midterm exam in January 2025.

Additionally, any student taking a 12th grade English class will be writing a college application essay. Options and guidelines are attached. Senior English students are strongly encouraged to begin brainstorming and drafting during the summer

Please direct any questions to Mrs. Werner at ewerner@bbsd.org.

We thank you for your support! Have a wonderful summer!

Happy reading,

The BHS English Department

Click on Here to Open Reading Listings in PDF Format

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